
2023-08-21 12:22:01 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要先背课文,默写红蓝句,再背单词,有时间做一下练习册First recite the text, write down the red and blue sentences, then recite the words, have time to do the exercise book。

先背课文,默写红蓝句,再背单词,有时间做一下练习册First recite the text, write down the red and blue sentences, then recite the words, have time to do the exercise book。


words我背单词I have a hard time for memorizing words我背单词都背怕了My English lesson is boring,the teacher always asks us to recite words我的英语课很无聊,老师总叫我们背单词Professor LiActually。

Some people argue that a large number of vocabulary is the key Other people believe that English gramme is more important In my opinion , do more execise of listening and speaking can be useful。


TAGS: 红蓝  单词  the  recite  练习册  默写  英语  课文  
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