
2023-08-21 23:38:01 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要有 in the farm 和on the farm 之说一般情况用on或者at的居多我想楼主的意思可能是on the farm i#39m working on the farm我在农场上班,用法较in the farm 抽象there are a lot of animals in the farm。第一个,hot辣的,第二个lawn,第三个tomatos,第四个shade玻璃罩子,第五个le

有 in the farm 和on the farm 之说一般情况用on或者at的居多我想楼主的意思可能是on the farm i#39m working on the farm我在农场上班,用法较in the farm 抽象there are a lot of animals in the farm。




在农场翻译成英文是on the farm或者in the farm如果是in the farm强调在农场某个建筑里面 一般抽象表达在农场,不特指农场某处的话用on the farmfarm的英式读法是fɑ#720m美式读法是fɑ#720rm。

Happy Farm 好像有个什么动画片就是这名字,忘记了。


farm 英fɑm 美fɑrmn 农家 农田 农场,农庄 畜牧场vt 养殖 耕种 承包,包出 佃出土地vi 经营农场例句Farms in France are much smaller than those in the United。

grange n1 农场,农庄CThey want to buy the old grange and turn it into a hotel他们想买一座旧农庄把它改建成一个旅馆2 大写美国农业保护者协会the Sfarm nC1 农场饲养场畜牧场 He。

My farm is large, at the foot of the mountain, where the air is very good, eat not feed, grow very fat, meat is delicious, market prices also optimistic! Would you like to come to my farm?农场,指。

Farm Croplands Agricultural building Fruit farm farmstead 是对农场中文意思的不同表达 其中,farm是最常用的,也是最简单的英文表示希望可以帮到你。

TAGS: farm  the  农场  罩子  英语  居多  抽象  用法  
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