
2023-08-21 17:01:09 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要如果是过去式He didn#x27t do anything but made his bed他没做什么,就在整理床铺如果是进行时He is not doing anything but making his bed动词在不同的时态状态下要保持一致。make the bed 例句与用法1 她是在早上整理床铺吗Do she make the bed in the morning?2 他起床后的第一件

如果是过去式He didn#x27t do anything but made his bed他没做什么,就在整理床铺如果是进行时He is not doing anything but making his bed动词在不同的时态状态下要保持一致。

make the bed 例句与用法1 她是在早上整理床铺吗Do she make the bed in the morning?2 他起床后的第一件事就是整理床铺The first thing he does after getting up is to make the bed。


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被子英文叫quilt fold英文中是折叠的意思 叠被子就是fold the quilt,这是直译 make the bed是泛指整理床铺的意思,也可用来单指叠被子,其实还包括整理床单,如果你要指的动作是泛指,用下面这个比较好。


TAGS: 床铺  整理  bed  anything  如果  时态  例句  the  
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