
2022-01-09 18:10:24 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要描述英文:My favorite TV play is Hammer Session.This play was directed by ma Shengxue.This dramas main ac

描述英文:My favorite TV play is Hammer Session.This play was directed by ma Shengxue.This drama’s main actor is Sushuizhongdao.Hammer Session is a good story which tells a moving story about a teacher.The teacher is a swindler,but he is a good teacher.He teached his studends many principle,such as friendship,love between chirldren and parents,courage,and so on.This play touched me deeply,not only the teacher,but also the whole students.They tell me what are true friendships and the love of the parents.I like this play very much.I hope you can watch this play when you have spare time.


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