
2022-01-08 09:26:29 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要Good morning my classmates. Im very glad to speak to you about my favorite sport today.My favorite s

Good morning my classmates. I’m very glad to speak to you about my favorite sport today.


My favorite sport is swimming. Because it is funny. I can do a lot of things in the pool, and I enjoy staying in the water.


It is very good for my body. It gives me a lot of exercise, and keeps my body healthy.

I started going swimming since I was a little girl. My dad took me to the pool, and taught me to swim.

And now, I usually go swimming with my friends, because I really like it.

I hope you will like it too. Thank you for listening.

My favorite sports

My fayorite sports are play basketball,play football and running.

I love to do sports very much, so P.E. is my favorite subject.I think do sports are excting and interesting.

I think me play basketball very well.In our class,me play basketball best.I love playing basketball best!

I love doing sports,and you?






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