复活节的英语介绍 复活节的英语介绍级译文

2024-03-21 09:14:37 教育百科 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要1、复活节的英语介绍:In the past in most western countries there was usually a grand religio。

复活节的英语介绍 复活节的英语介绍级译文

1、复活节的英语介绍:In the past in most western countries there was usually a grand religious procession on Easter. The marchers wore a gown holding the cross and advancing barefoot. They dressed up as Christian historical figures and sang carols to celebrate Jesuss resurrection. Today the festival parade has lost its strong religious color. The festival parade is permeated with a festive atmosphere with strong folk characteristics and local characteristics.


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