
2022-01-08 20:31:15 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要有一下几种,看你XX says放在哪里句号在引号内还是外。句首:Mr。 and Mrs。 Allen said, We refuse to use that pesticide because it

  有一下几种,看你XX says放在哪里句号引号内还是外。句首:Mr。 and Mrs。 Allen said, “We refuse to use that pesticide because it might pollute the nearby wells。
  “句尾:”We refuse to use that pesticide because it might pollute the nearby wells,”Mr。 and Mrs。 Allen said。句中:”He likes to talk about football,” she said, “especially when the Super Bowl is coming up。
  “Mr。 and Mrs。 Allen stated that they “refuse to use that pesticide” because of possible water pollution。就这么几种关于引号和逗号的。Vicky。


Vicky 说的对


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