另一方面英语,一方面,另一方面 用英语怎么说

2022-01-08 20:36:33 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要我到这座城市一方面是洽谈业务,另一方面是看望老朋友另一方面英语。 The purpose of my visit to this city is to talk business on the one


另一方面英语,一方面,另一方面 用英语怎么说插图

The purpose of my visit to this city is to talk business on the one hand and to see my old friend on the other.

另一方面英语,一方面,另一方面 用英语怎么说插图1


On the one hand I have to work;on the other hand I have many visitors to see.


On one hand I have to work;on the other hand I have many visitors to see.


The rich experience of one side and the firm determination of the other balance each other out.


On the one hand having a fever weakens the virus invaded,on the other hand resisting power is raised to the help organism.


Men have a much better time of it than women;for one thing,they marry later;for another thing,they die earlier.


Fever may on the one hand,weaken the invade germs and,on the other hand,help raise the resistance of the body.


a smoothly functioning bifocal mind(bJohn McPhee)A bifocal monetary policy . . . has kept one eye on the money supply and the other on interest rates(bEdward Meadows)


a smoothly functioning bifocal mind(John McPhee)A bifocal monetary policy . . . has kept one eye on the money supply and the other on interest rates(Edward Meadows)


On the one hand you accept his presents;on the other hand,you are rude to the whole family.What really is your attitude to them?

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