
2022-01-08 21:18:05 体育百科 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要Today the weather sunny, hot, i and my friends playing in the sea and see a lot of people. Some peo

Today the weather sunny, hot, i and my friends playing in the sea and see a lot of people. Some peopleare swimming, and some people are playing beach volleyball
Several boys are playing football, and some girls are singing and dancing. Sand are hot, but the water was cool.


My name is Liu Lin.I’m twelve years old this year,I like blue very much.,because it is very pure. r如果满意,请与好评,谢谢游泳英语怎么说。

My name is Liu Lin, I’m 12 years old, I like swimming, I like blue, because he is very pure

TAGS: 英语  游泳  怎么  海上  the  and  friends  playing  
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