
2023-08-21 18:07:06 教育百科 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要1、On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon;你的学校郊游怎么样?How was your school trip;郊游excursion 读音英 #618k#39sk#604#720#643#601n ek 美 #618k#39sk#605#658nn 偏移远足短程旅行郊游游览,游览团 例句 The excursion w

1、On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon;你的学校郊游怎么样?How was your school trip;郊游excursion 读音英 #618k#39sk#604#720#643#601n ek 美 #618k#39sk#605#658nn 偏移远足短程旅行郊游游览,游览团 例句 The excursion was the high spot of ou;school outing,满意请采纳正解,比较少用 school trip 来形容郊游来自分类排名第一的英语牛人团。

2、他们的回答语法结构有问题如果你问的学校郊游是将来的,还没有发生的,应该这么问 When will be the school outingor trip如果你问的学校郊游是过去的,应该这么说 When was the school outing or trip;这是欧化汉语,应该改为“Tom 将在6月20日参加学校组织的郊游”,英语可以翻译为 Tom will go for a school outing on 20th, June;你好进行一次学校郊游,On a school trip。


3、郊游 n field trip outing 嘿,对郊游感觉怎么样Hey, what about the outing?但是我对郊游不怎么热衷But I don#39t like those outings总是要求我为学校郊游付额外的钱I#39m always being asked to stump;您好,我们可以像下面这样说英文原文we are enjoying the school outing now英式音标wi#720 ɑ#720 end#712#658#596#618#618#331 #240#601 sku#720l #712;同学,为你解答1 How exciting the school trip it was 2 What an exciting school trip it was 如果认可和满意我的回复,请点击采纳为满意回答按钮~手机提问的朋友在客户。


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