
2023-08-21 21:12:16 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要rule 英音rul美音rul 名词 n1 规则,规定,章程,条例CIt#39s against the rules of the school to smoke吸烟是违反校规的2 习惯,通例,常规CHe#39s made it a rule to rise early他已养。规则 基本解释1ruleregulationlaw2典式,法则,规律 3指在形状结构或分布上合乎一定的方式整齐 篮球规则

rule 英音rul美音rul 名词 n1 规则,规定,章程,条例CIt#39s against the rules of the school to smoke吸烟是违反校规的2 习惯,通例,常规CHe#39s made it a rule to rise early他已养。

规则 基本解释1ruleregulationlaw2典式,法则,规律 3指在形状结构或分布上合乎一定的方式整齐 篮球规则 规则四边行 4规定出来供大家共同遵守的制度或章程。

Rules , regulation against the rule = 违反规则 Obey the rules 强硬语气 你必须遵守规则。

regulation 名词n 1 规章规则,规定条例C He was fined for breaking traffic regulations 他因违反交通规则而被罚款。


规则 基本解释1 ruleregulationlaw2 典式,法则,规律 3 指在形状结构或分布上合乎一定的方式整齐 篮球规则规则四边行 4规定出来供大家共同遵守的制度或章程。

为您解答follow the rulesfollow是遵守的意思,rule是规则的意思望采纳~不懂再问~希望帮到你~祝好运~。

遵守规则 词典 toe the mark toe the scratch 法 abidance by the rules例句他们必须遵守规则They have got to abide by the rules学英语技巧第一英语的基础是单词,要多记多背,记忆单词的方法有。


交通规则用英文表达为The traffic rules重点词汇解释1traffic n 交通运输贸易通信 通信量 vt 用作交换在通行 vi 交易,买卖 双语例句Air traffic had returned to normal空中交通已恢复正常。


My School Rules 我的学校规章 I have too many rules in my schoolSo I am very tired我的学校有很多制度要遵守,我不喜欢 I can#39t eat food in class,and I must listen to the teacher carefully我不能在。

遵守规则的意思是toe the mark例句Bill#39s father is strict with him and he has to toe the mark翻译比尔的父亲对他很严,他只得事事循规蹈矩重点词汇 mark 英 mɑ#720k,美 mɑ#720rkn。

完全可以,而且事实上就是这么说的A Why the heck you want me to follow your lead?凭啥非得听你的B Cuz I make the rules因为规矩是我定的没有什么”泛指“这种说法。

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