
2023-08-22 04:11:32 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要This issue needs continuative analysis 就可以了不用被动啊 Analysis work of this problem needs to continue~~这样行吗。

This issue needs continuative analysis 就可以了不用被动啊 Analysis work of this problem needs to continue~~这样行吗。


你好!因子分析 factor analysis。

2 a specific approach meets a specific problem in a specific situation to be deciphered3 It is suitable to find a distinctseparate way to interpret a specific issue对“分析”一词翻译的供参考的词汇c。

英 #601#39n#230l#618s#618s美 #601#39n#230l#601s#618sn 分析分解验定 Analysis 分析,分解,分析结果的报告 Factor analysis 因素分析,因子分析,因素分析法 Survival analysis 生存。


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