
2023-08-22 07:08:00 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要放弃英语give up give up 英ɡiv #652p美ɡ#618v #652p放弃 投降 把让给 戒除例句 1When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and。

放弃英语give up give up 英ɡiv #652p美ɡ#618v #652p放弃 投降 把让给 戒除例句 1When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and。


“放弃”英文说法abandon 读法英 #601#39b#230nd#601n 美 #601#39b#230nd#601n释义1n 放任狂热 2vt 遗弃放弃 例句1Only they will not abandon me, only they wi。

2ABANDON Abandon的意思是彻底放弃,不再关心,特指停止对某人的照顾支持比如His mother had abandoned him at an early age他在幼年就被母亲遗弃3DESERT 形容逃兵等可耻的放弃行为时,会用到一个比abandon更。

give up if you have a dream, then fight for itNo matter how difficult,never give it up。


abandon放弃,遗弃Vi,surrender 投降,放弃,屈服,renounce 宣布放弃,放弃权利 ps建议你下载个有道词典,很方便。

“放弃”的英文有give up,abandon ,surrender ,abstain from ,renounce 解释give up 放弃交出 abandon #601#39b#230nd#601nn狂热放任 vt遗弃放弃 surrender s#601#39rend#601vt使投。

TAGS: 放弃  英语  give  戒除  例句  life  让给  投降  
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