
2023-08-22 07:19:11 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要谁 英语who 音标英 hu#720 h#650 美 hu释义pron 谁什么人 例句1Who govern this country? 谁统治这个国家?2Who got him to do that? 他这样干, 是谁授意的?3Who tarred them。1那是谁的英语who is that例句Now, who is that? asked Mr Heathcliff, turning to

谁 英语who 音标英 hu#720 h#650 美 hu释义pron 谁什么人 例句1Who govern this country? 谁统治这个国家?2Who got him to do that? 他这样干, 是谁授意的?3Who tarred them。

1那是谁的英语who is that例句Now, who is that? asked Mr Heathcliff, turning to Cathy“看,那是谁”希刺克厉夫转身问凯蒂2例句“看,那是谁”希刺克厉夫转身问凯蒂,“你说得出来吗。


谁_百度翻译 谁 代 who anyone someone名 a surname例句你找谁Who are you looking for?双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义。

1这是谁用英语的说法是Who is thisWho is that或者是who is it2用法who用作疑问代词时,意思是“谁”,一般只用来指人,在句中用作宾语或主语who用作限制性或非限制性的关系代词,意思是“他,她。


谁的,英语为whose,例如Whose is this book这本书是谁的也可以说成whose book is this意思是一样的。

1他们是谁用英语Who are they ?2无论他们是谁No matter who they are 3他们是谁的Who Are they the Who they are 4不管他们是谁No matter who they are I dont care who they are 5。

TAGS: 英语  例句  that  授意  who  Who  音标  释义  
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