
2022-02-04 20:51:04 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要题外话:纵观疫苗的发展史佐剂,曾经有一种佐剂引起大量法律诉讼,并使几家大药厂几乎破产,这种佐剂就是Thiomersal (硫柳汞)。由于发现硫柳汞具有抗菌和刺激免疫作用,于1930年将其引入疫苗制作作

题外话:纵观疫苗的发展史佐剂,曾经有一种佐剂引起大量法律诉讼,并使几家大药厂几乎破产,这种佐剂就是Thiomersal (硫柳汞)。由于发现硫柳汞具有抗菌和刺激免疫作用,于1930年将其引入疫苗制作作为佐剂,尤其是给婴幼儿接种的疫苗。由于50、60、70年代出现区域性汞中毒后引起公众对汞毒性的注意,有大量的基础研究证实重金属包括汞对人体尤其神经系统有害。流行病学调查发现,自闭症的发生明显上升与含硫柳汞疫苗上市接种有明显的时间相关性,但被归结为自闭症诊断水平的提高导致更多的病例被诊断。在2007年6月11日,代表4900自闭症患儿家长的律师在法庭与被告公司和相关部门就7/3/2002发起的诉讼进行辩论,2008年硫柳汞惨败,最终对受害者进行了赔偿,但没有得出MMR疫苗与自闭症相关的结论(有兴趣的可以自行查阅:Childhood Vaccines and Autism, Special Courts and Torts)。FDA和CDC在1999年的声明中声称没有找到确切的Thiomersal对人体有害的证据。但是,由于很多注射疫苗后的自闭症等患者提出诉讼,也由于“要保护人群不受潜在的危害”,2001年夏天Thiomersal从疫苗中去除。从该佐剂问世到受到质疑并从疫苗生产中去除经过了70年时间。Pubmed上有很多汞导致神经系统损伤的文章,这在现在已经达成共识了。


疫苗中的铝佐剂(Aluminum in Vaccines-A Neurological Gamble):

The US licensed vaccines for children that contain aluminum adjuvants are:


Daptacel-330micrograms as aluminum potassium sulfate


Infanrix-625micrograms as aluminum hydroxide


TriHIBit- 0.170 mg of aluminum


Pediarix-850 mcg as aluminum phosphate




Adacel– identical to DTaP but with less formaldehyde and 1.5 mg aluminum phosphate

Boostrix-390micrograms as aluminum hydroxide

Td (Decavac)

Td (Massachusetts)


Prevnar-125 mcg as aluminum phosphate

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Gardasil- 225mcg as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate

Hepatitis A

Vaqta– 250 micrograms amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate

Havrix– 250 micrograms as aluminum hydroxide

Hepatitis A/Hepatitis B

Twinrix- 0.45 mg of aluminum in the form of aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate as adjuvants

Hepatitis B

Recombivax- 250micrograms as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate

Engerix–B– 250 micrograms as aluminum hydroxide


Comvax– 225 micrograms as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate Sulfate


PedvaxHib– 225micrograms as aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate


BioThrax- 1.2 mg/ml aluminum, added as aluminum hydroxide in 0.85% sodium chloride


铝的危害:铝的危害已经为动物实验及肾脏衰竭患者所证实,同时与铝暴露引起的神经退行性病变相关。婴儿配方奶和静脉营养液中的铝与神经性病变和代谢性骨病有关。轻中度的急性 aluminum phosphide 毒性反应包括恶心、焦虑和寒战、躁动、腹痛、胸闷和兴奋。其他症状还有定向失调、绞痛、记忆力下降、头痛、学习困难、精神错乱、烧心感、共济失调和胀气。更为严重的毒性反应包括心动过速、腹泻、呼吸衰竭、发绀、意识障碍和/或死亡。高浓度的phosphine能使实验动物发生抽搐。重度暴露提示可能有肾脏损伤。尸检病理检查暴露于phosphine poisoning的动物组织提示有缺氧,并伴有胃肠道、肺、肝脏、肾脏和/或中枢神经系统的局部损伤。

铝能高度激活T2淋巴细胞免疫系统并用于疫苗制备是由于没有该佐剂,机体对有些微弱抗原株并不产生免疫反应。铝能“唤醒”并使抗原表达细胞固定在其激活部位。这些抗原表达细胞能导致问题:树突状细胞过长时间表达抗原产生异常抗体;巨噬细胞通过血脑屏障时将含铝颗粒带入脑中,铝具有神经毒性;正如硫柳汞一样,血脑屏障的通透性改变导致身体里的其他毒素更容易进入脑组织。疫苗中的Aluminum hydroxide通过皮肤注射部位到达组织后被吸收,进而进入脑组织。

Aluminum-Adjuvanted Vaccines Transiently Increase Aluminum Levels in Murine Brain Tissue

Myelin is a preferential target of aluminum-mediated oxidative damage.

Aluminum-induced oxidative events and its relation to inflammation: a role for the metal in Alzheimer’s disease.

Alum adjuvanticity: unraveling a century old mystery.

Aluminum adjuvant linked to gulf war illness induces motor neuron death in mice.

Nanomolar aluminum induces pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic gene expression in human

brain cells in primary culture.

Aluminum salts in vaccines-US perspective

铝是很难生物降解的,会在体内积累。Vaccines containing Aluminum are not the only source of aluminum exposure for infants. Aluminum is present in air, food and water so infants are exposed to aluminum in the environment. Breast milk alone can contain approximately 40 µg of aluminum per liter, and infant formulas can contain an average of approximately 225 µg of aluminum per liter.


Since large quantities of aluminum can cause serious neurologic effects in humans, guidelines were established by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR).

Aluminum-hydroxide in vaccines causes serious health problems

Its Not Just The Mercury: Aluminum Hydroxide In Vaccines

Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe: }

铝佐剂疫苗发明后的一种新疾病:巨噬细胞肌筋膜炎(Macrophagic myofasciitis,MMF) 最初报道于1998年,表现为成年患者出现慢性疲乏和慢性关节疼痛功能失调综合征,肌肉组织活检表现刻板炎症性病变(stereotyped inflammatory lesions),具有特征性: (i) 聚集在肌肉膜旁、周边的炎症浸润, 主要由于大量聚集的嗜碱性巨噬细胞,PAS染色胞浆阳性。(2) 有T细胞。 (3) 没有明显肌纤维损害。之后的研究发现MMF损害是由于对长期存在的、来源于以前疫苗肌肉内注射接种的铝质肉芽肿的反应。之后的研究发现认知障碍与MMF相关,强调该表现为MMF相关临床综合征的神经症状(Macrophagic myofasciitis leasions assess

long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide in muscle.)。在50个患者中86%接种乙肝疫苗, 19%接种甲肝疫苗,58%接种过破伤风类毒素。接种后3-96个月 (中位 36 个月) 活检。三角肌活检有MMF损伤者表现为弥漫性肌痛更为普遍 (P <0.0001)。94%患者有接种疫苗后肌痛发作 (平均11 个月) 。MMF损伤在动物实验中被证实。作者认为MMF继发于肌肉注射含有aluminium hydroxide的疫苗, 在疫苗接种后有系统症状的患者中检测出长期存在的 aluminium hydroxide和进展的局部免疫反应。至 2014年,同一研究组在法国成人中诊断MMF超过600 例。请注意,这只是一个研究组在Henri Mondor hospital收集的病例。

美国的研究较少,但也有MMF的诊断(Morin Stain Detects Aluminum-Containing Macrophages in

Macrophagic Myofasciitis and Vaccination Granuloma With High Sensitivity

and Specificity)。经回顾性诊断,从2010到2015年间UTSW 肌肉活检发现14 例MMF。还有一篇文章有兴趣的人可以去读:HUMAN HEALTH RISK


WHO的信息:From an epidemiological perspective, MMF has (with few exceptions) only been observed in France. The disorder was first seen in 1993 and has been recognized with increased frequency since then. Whether this reflects a macrophagic dysfunction of either genetic or acquired origin, or the tail end of a normal distribution describing the kinetics of aluminium clearance and the local tissue response to it in the general population, has not yet been defined. Different biopsy practices were given as a plausible reason to explain why MMF has almost exclusively been observed in France and not elsewhere. It was argued that, in this country, biopsies are performed in the deltoid muscle whereas in many other countries biopsies tend to be performed in other muscles. Manufacturing practices of aluminium-containing vaccines make a local pharmaceutical cause unlikely.




Gardasil contains 225 mcg of aluminum,775mcg total (Mercks’s Gardasil Vaccine Not Proven Safe for Little Girls):


Gardasil 9: 1,500mcg per 3 recommended doses (是Gardasil的2倍): }

New HPV vaccine with DOUBLE the aluminum – Health Freedom Idaho: }




U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims By Peter Lind – – Wednesday,

December 31, 2014 : 9/1/2010到9/15/2011年间报告的26例新死亡患者及发生抽搐、麻痹、失明、胰腺炎、语言障碍、短期记忆丧失和格林-巴利综合征继发于Gardasil疫苗接种者共被赔偿$6 million。


这里是有关2019年1月庭审记录,原告Jennifer Robi,24岁的前运动员和学者,16岁接种HPV疫苗后被困在轮椅上,表现持续不受控制的神经/肌肉收缩(抽搐)和PTOS和许多其他症状的自身免疫疾病。庭审披露,Merck在临床实验中没有使用真正的惰性安慰剂,而是使用了同样大剂量的AAHA,因此,掩盖了疫苗产生的副作用(来源于大量佐剂导致的自身免疫损害)。该大剂量的AAHA在动物中能导致自身免疫反应。然而,Merck报告给FDA的“18号议定书”中声称研究人员给对照组提供了真正的惰性安慰剂,并且Merck采用了欺诈式的“预防”,在这项临床试验中从接种的HPV疫苗中去除了一半的铝佐剂。AAHS从未接受过政府监督机构或Merck公司的安全测试。




Illinois Teen Dies of ADEM Three Weeks After HPV Vaccination: }

Gardasil Was Linked to My Daughter’s Death:}


Serious adverse events associated with HPV vaccination : 澳大利亚的一份论文报告}

Deaths following Gardasil:}

What if I were to tell you that there were 40 deaths in the Gardasil trails. This fact is clearly stated in the Manufacturer Merck’s prescribing information sheet . Of these deaths 21 occurred in the vaccine group and 19 in the aluminium adjuvant group. But you didn’t hear this from the mainstream media, did you?

Colton Berrett Dies After Being Unable To Cope With His Gardasil HPV Vaccine Injuries:}

UK doctors re-examine case for mandatory vaccination:}

The Gardasil Vaccine—Bad Science, Great Promotion, Dangerous: }

Gardasil: A License to Kill. What Has Changed Since This Report in 2010? : }

Gardasil/HPV Dangers: }


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