
2022-01-08 09:41:43 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要My Chinese name is XU-XINYI, and my English name is Annie英语好词。 Im studying at hangzhou Yu-Cai Experi

  My Chinese name is XU-XINYI, and my English name is Annie英语好词。 I’m studying at hangzhou Yu-Cai Experimental school ,in Class 2,Grade 4。


I like composition ,and I have learned a Children-reporter training course 。I also like sports ,such as table-tennis ,swimming and badminton 。

My favourite colors are yellow and pink 。

I enjoy travel ,and I have visited a lot of landscape places。For eg,Hainan ,Nanjing ,Qingdao。

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