
2022-01-08 10:02:18 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要Bread双语例句他在面包上涂了些黄油面包用英语怎么说。He spread some butter on his bread.《新英汉大辞典》他为自己把一片面包涂上黄油。He buttered a p

Bread双语例句他在面包上涂了些黄油面包用英语怎么说。He spread some butter on his bread.《新英汉大辞典》他为自己把一片面包涂上黄油。He buttered a piece of bread for himself.《21世纪大英汉词典》她在往面包上涂果酱时,眼睛一直在盯着他。She kept gazing at him, while spreading jam on the bread.《21世纪大英汉词典》loaf有传统面包(Original)、表情面包(Emoticon)、长型面包(Loaf)、熊面包(Murphy)及甜甜圈面包(Donut)5种,逼真度百分之百,真想吃进肚里!Damper丹波面包(Damper)是澳洲具有代表性的食物之一,它的做法简单,不用发酵,长相上与面包有些像,但却没有面包那么松软的身体。


面包和蛋糕的区别主要就是以下三点一:面包的主料是面粉,蛋糕的主料是鸡蛋;二:面包通过酵母发酵,蛋糕通过打发鸡蛋形成松软的口感;三:做面包的面粉大多是高筋面粉,做蛋糕的面粉大多是低筋面粉。The difference between bread and cake is mainly as follows One: the main ingredient of bread is flour, the main ingredient of cake is egg; Second, the bread is fermented by yeast, and the cake forms a soft taste by sending eggs. Three: the flour that makes bread mostly is high gluten flour, the flour that makes cake mostly is low gluten flour.


two pieces of bread 面包是不可数名词,所以要借助量词piece,因为是两片,所以要变成复数pieces。 用法示例

1、He got orange juice, two pieces of bread, an egg and a glass of milk. “他喝了点橙汁,吃了两片面包,一个鸡蛋和一杯牛奶”。

2、You can easily get 3 g of sodium in a single sandwich with two pieces of bread, some deli meat and cheese. 你可能吃一个由两片面包、一些熟肉和奶酪组成的三明治,就轻而易举的摄入3克盐。

TAGS: 面包  英语  上黄  怎么  例句  黄油  英汉  双语  
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