
2022-01-08 10:04:51 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要“名胜古迹”用英文是“Scenic Spots and Historical Sites”名胜古迹的英语。拼音:míng shèng gǔ jì 出处: 路遥《平凡的世界》第一卷第45章:“首都所有的

名胜古迹”用英文是“Scenic Spots and Historical Sites”名胜古迹的英语


拼音:míng shèng gǔ jì 出处: 路遥《平凡的世界》第一卷第45章:“首都所有的名胜古迹都去了两次以上。” 释义: 名胜古迹就是指风景优美和有古代遗迹的著名地方。中国是世界上最古老的文明国家之一,名胜古迹众多。造句:







常见世界各地名胜古迹的英文表达:1、故宫:The Palace Museum或者The Forbidden City2、天坛 :The Temple of Heaven3、天安门广场:Tian’anmen Square4、长城:The Great Wall5、埃及金字塔:The Pyramids of Egypt6、喜马拉雅山:The Himalayas10、印度尼西亚巴厘岛:Bali, Indonesia12、悉尼歌剧院Sydney Opera House, Australia13、法国巴黎圣母院:Notre Dame de Paris, France14、法国卢浮宫:Louvre, France15、美国纽约中央公园:Central Park, New York City, USA16、科罗拉多大峡谷:Grand Canyon17、旧金山金门大桥:Golden Gate Bridge18、自由女神像:statue of liberty19、大堡礁:great barrier reef 20、埃菲尔铁塔:effiel tower21、凯旋门:arch of triumph

The London Eye, or Millennium Wheel, was officially called the British Airways London Eye and then the Merlin Entertainments London Eye. Since 20 January 2011, its official name is the EDF Energy London Eye following a three-year sponsorship deal.

The London Eye was formally opened by the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, on 31 December 1999, although it was not opened to the public until 9 March 2000. Since its opening, the Eye has become a major landmark and tourist attraction.

Great Wall Guilin Landscape Hangzhou West Lake The Imperial Palace in Beijing Suzhou gardens Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Yangtze River( Three Gorges )Taiwan’s Sun Moon Lake (ri yue tan) Chengde Mountain Resort QinDynasty Terracotta Warriors and Horses

Beijing Imperial Palace Beijing Imperial Palace is the Ming and Qing Dynasties two generation of imperial palaces, also calls Forbidden City.

All previous dynasties palace “likely the day sets up the palace” to express that the monarchial power “has a mandate from heaven”. Because Mr. is an emperor, emperor’s palace is similar to the God housing “the purple palace” the restricted area, therefore Forbidden City.

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