
2022-01-08 10:27:45 百科大全 投稿:一盘搜百科
摘要My sister likes swimming.She always goes swimming in summer.But last summer she was very unlucky.She

My sister likes swimming.She always goes swimming in summer.But last summer she was very unlucky.


She put her clothes in an old locker.It was hard to lock it.Then she went to swimming.And she Played happily in the swimming pool.Two hours later,she went out the water and took out the key to the locker.But soon she found she can’t open it at all.She spent about half an hour to open it but nothing happened.Of course she couldn’t wear a swimming suit and go out.She was worry about it.


At last she was angry.She kicked the locker.And it opened!

1、Owen(英[ˈəuin] 美[ˈoɪn] ) n.欧文(男性名字)2、Owen(欧文):出自苏格兰语unlucky,寓意“年轻的战士”,这个名字给人的印象是善于交际,和蔼可亲以及喜欢思考。这是一个传统的威尔士名字。例句:1、The Shropshire landscape was an influence on Owen too 什罗普郡的风景也对欧文产生了影响。

2、Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions 欧文不幸两次都没有进球。

3、I felt so badly I had to telephone Owen to say I was sorry 我心里实在难受,觉得必须给欧文打电话道个歉。扩展资料:英文名叫Owen的名人1、迈克尔·詹姆斯·欧文(MichaelJamesOwen)1979年12月14日出生于英格兰切斯特,英格兰足球运动员,场上司职前锋,已退役,曾效力于英超的利物浦足球俱乐部,前英格兰国家队队长。2、克里夫·欧文(英文名:CliveOwen)1964年10月3号出生在考文垂,英国演员。1984年,从宾莱庄园综合中学毕业,申请进入了皇家戏剧艺术学院,后加入了青年维克剧团;1998年和大卫·休里斯共同主演了英国电影《呜呜叫》;2004年,主演了《亚瑟王传奇》中的亚瑟王。3、欧文·威尔逊(OwenWilson)1968年11月18日出生于美国得克萨斯州,演员、剧作家,毕业于德克萨斯大学。2002年,凭借《天才一族》的剧本入围奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖。2004年,主演电影《警界双雄》。2009年,主演电影《博物馆奇妙夜2》。

TAGS: swimming  unlucky  summer  英语  表妹  She  作文  sister  
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